
Mental Health Benefits of a Secure and Happy Relationship

A happy and healthy relationship affects all aspects of one’s life. So, depending on how your relationship problems are manifesting,  you may experience some or many of the following as a result of a secure and happy relationship: reduced symptoms of anxiety, depression and or PTSD better physical health and wellbeing feeling cherished by your […]

Demon Dialogues

When it comes to arguing couples tend to fall into certain patterns called the ‘Demon Dialogues‘ (click on the link to learn even more). EFT helps us identify where couples become stuck called ‘cycles’ or ‘patterns’. Once identified, it is helpful to understand how we get caught and then slow it down.

How Our Past Family Generational Trauma Affects Us Today

As we learn more about trauma from our childhood, recent science studies shows us trauma is passed down through the generations. This is important because safe, loving connections helps reduce the effects of trauma on our psyche and can be healed with EFT Couples Therapy. This article by Scientific American helps us better understand the […]

Addiction and Attachment

What we thought we knew about addiction is not quite right as evidenced by the research indicated in this amazing video by Johann Hari, as he shares how imperative attachment is for recovery. Here is another informative, yet brief video entitled ‘Rat Park’ to help you better understand the power of connection when it comes […]

Still Face experiment comes to life in adult couples

Revolutionary film footage of a couple in distress and the affect of the ‘still face experiment’ on a partner compared to an infants lack of response from a mother.  The classic still face experiment was initially done with a mother and their infant to show attachment reactions, but this video goes a step further to […]

Rethinking Narcissism

The Bad-and Surprising Good-About Feeling Special In ‘Rethinking Narcissism,’ Dr. Malkin presents narcissism on a spectrum, too much is problematic and too little, it turns out, is a problem as well. Like most things in life there is a balance.  But what really stands out here is that old thinking that once a narcissist always […]

The power of love when open heart surgery stalls

After heart replacement surgery, each person in this video struggled with depression and healing.  That all changed when they got to know each other.  Doctors were amazed by their recovery, one doctor noting that there isn’t much science to explain this, but it is explained in ‘Love Sense’ and we are more and more amazed […]