Carol H. Corcoran
LCMFT, LMFT, EFT Certified Therapist, EFCT, EFIT
Creating Healthy Connections
within and with those that matter most.
Hello and welcome to Creating Healthy Connections where love, attachment and connection combine to bring you close to those who really matter.
If you are looking for relationship help you have found the right site and the right person to help you with your relationship! Carol Corcoran, LCMFT, LMFT is a Certified Emotionally Focused Therapist with almost 30 years of experience working with relationship struggles and is a Certified Emotionally Focused Couples Therapist. She also provides Telehealth from the comfort of your own home. Carol has also been married to her USMC-R husband for 40 years.
Relationships are so challenging and leave people feeling stuck and hopeless. Here at CHC, (Creating Healthy Connections) couples are provided supportive help and guidance with Carol to build or rebuild important relationships with the safe, supportive, evidence-based therapy called Emotionally Focused Therapy.
EFT is one of the most powerful attachment based therapies on the planet with a 70-90% success rate. Getting out of the negative cycles is just the beginning for partners on the Emotionally Focused Therapy journey with Carol. She is a Licensed Clinical Marriage and Family Therapists and Certified Emotionally Focused Therapists and she brings those skills directly to you and your loved ones from the comfort of your home.
Licensed Cert. Marriage & Family Therapist with nearly 30 years of experience
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist MD, CA, CO, NV, AZ
Cert. Emotionally Focused Therapist
Lifetime Member of ICEEFT
AAMFT Clinical Fellow
CAMFT Clinical Member
PSI CHI Member
Married and together with husband 41 years
EFT is based on the solid science of adult attachment. It turns out we are hard-wired for love and attachment from conception on. This approach also utilizes present process in the here and now and helps create a safe and secure haven to help explore and express underlying feelings and process needs and longings safely with one another. To learn more go to
While online doing Teletherapy/Telehealth, Carol utilizes a HIPAA secure platform to protect your safety and confidentiality. She has found this format to be very effective in helping couples understand and tame their negative cycles and deeply connect within their own home. Check out the reviews here at HealthGrades.
If you are ready to bridge the gap of disconnection and move towards a secure, loving, and fulfilling relationship, please contact CHC today.
Call 443-254-0686 or Email Now